There were 33 members present at the meeting
1. Apologies: Diane and Jeremy Howell Thomas, Christine and John Berry, Julian Todd
2. Minutes of the 2016 AGM:
Approved proposed Peter Furneaux
seconded Diane Russell
carried unanimously.
3. Matters arising: none
4. Chairman’s report: copy attached
5. Treasurers report: copy attached
6. Programme Secretary’s report: The programme for the 2018 was presented and is now available on the web
7. Adoption of reports: proposed Shelley Choat seconded Peter Furneaux
carried unanimously
8. Correspondence: none
9. Election of Officers:
a) Chairman Nick Russell Proposed –Hilary Hawkins Seconded –Morwenna Lloyd Carried unanimously
b) Vice Chairman Peter Furneaux Proposed – Nick Russell
Seconded – Monica Todd
Carried unanimously
c) Secretary Monica Todd Proposed – Shelley Choat Seconded –Sheila Ellison Carried unanimously
d) Treasurer David Davies Proposed –Eddie Clanzy-Hodge Seconded – Trisha Clanzy-Hodge
e) Booker Keeper Eddie Clanzy-Hodge Proposed – Monica Todd
Seconded – Peter Furneaux
10. Election of Committee Members:
The remaining Committee members, who had not been elected as Officers were prepared to stay on the Committee.
Bobbie Stubbs, John Berry, Christine Berry
Proposed – Jane Cross Seconded – Morwenna Lloyd Carried – unanimously
Nomination and election of new committee members:
Trisha Clanzy Hodge
Proposed – Shelley Choat Seconded – Roger Stevens carried unanimously
11. Appointment of Auditor:
Helen Webb has agreed to audit the account again next year.
12. August Show: Eddie Clanzy-Hodge gave a full report on the successful 2017 Show
13. Any other business: None
This is the third Chairman’s Report that I have written and on reading last years my initial thought was more of the same!
The show was a great success and whilst I can only comment on the section I was involved with, the vegetable judge was greatly impressed with the quality and volume of entries. A very big thank you to the show sub committee for all their hard work and also to the helpers on the day for making it such a success. There will be one or two changes to next years show based on things that have been said to the committee to make it more interesting or run more smoothly so as usual I ask you to support the show.
Whilst asking for support I could not fail to mention the plant sale, this was a very great success and the income generated has helped us arrange for a “Celebrity Speaker” in September 2018. I would ask everyone to consider growing a few extra plants for this and support it in any way they can. In 2018 the plant stalls on the meeting evenings and the Plant Sale in May are being organised and run by Hilary and Sheila. A very big thank you to them!
It would take too long to mention all of the speakers we have enjoyed this year but as ever for me it was again a case of talks I thought would not interest me and frankly had I not been chairman that I might have missed that had me most fascinated, I may never deliberately grow a salvia but after Leila Jackson’s talk I was able to identify one that had escaped from the garden and was growing happily in my paddock! I say it every year but please make an effort to attend the talks, you never know what you might learn.
The outings were equally enjoyable with trips to Bouts Violas inspired by Jack Wildgoss’s talk and The Brooks at Pontrilas prior to Marion Stainton’s talk in October. I have a feeling that we might have to visit Stockton Bury after Tamsin Westhope’s talk in November!
So to the meals, I thoroughly enjoyed the evening at the Boot and I believe all those that attended did. Sadly numbers were well down for the Titley Lunch and I am somewhat ashamed that I was unable to go, as a result this made a substantial loss for the club and so the future of this event is being reconsidered.
I am pleased to report that membership is increasing but as ever please encourage anyone you know with a minor interest in gardening to join, the discounts off seeds etc easily pay the subscription which remains at £12.50
I would also like to thank those who have volunteered to go on the committee and those not on the committee who freely give their time and expertise to help the club.
Whilst I feel it wrong to single out particular individuals I must again mention the work and effort two people put into the club. Monica without her quite simply there would be no club, but this year she did not have to remind me to write this report and Eddie who has been tireless, working to ensure the smooth running and success of the show, our accounts and recently moving our bank accounts as our exiting banker was closing the branch in Leominster.
Lastly a club is only as strong as it’s members and I thank you for coming to the AGM.
Orleton and District Gardening Club
2017 AGM
Treasurer’s Report
Year ending December 2017.
Overall, this year has turned out to be a good one ending with a profit of about £800.
This is mainly due to the Plant Sale held in May, which showed a profit of about £800.
Subscription income was up by £200 but this reflects the increase in subscriptions £12.50p. We have less members than we had last year – 95 instead of 102.
Next year 2018
The profit from this year puts us in a good position and the committee has agreed not to raise subscriptions for 2018.
However, we will need to keep a close eye on the finances in 2018.
In particular:
Membership income may be reduced because we have a lot of new joiners at the end of 2017 and their subscriptions cover the whole of next year.
We have planned for a celebrity speaker, Christine Walkden, in the 2018 programme. Experience tells us that we are unlikely to make a loss on this event. However, the bookkeeper and treasurer have to take a pessimistic view on this. If we do make a loss, then we will be covered by this year’s profit.