ODGC General Information

Welcome to the Orleton and District Gardening Club.  The following notes are for your guidance to enable you to enjoy the activities of the club to the full.

 HISTORY:  The Club was founded in 1980 by Molly Bowen and George Robinson in response to a letter in the Grapevine (the Orleton Parish Magazine).  In 1995 the Club became affiliated to the RHS, mainly for insurance purposes.

 ORGANISATION:  The Club meets in Orleton Village Hall, usually on the last Tuesday of the month, at 7.30pm for plant sales and socialising, with the meeting formally commencing at 8.00pm.  The Committee consists of up to eight members, of whom four are officers, all elected annually at the July AGM.  The Committee meets, usually at 2.00pm on the Monday one week before the club night.

 MEMBERSHIP:  The Club activities are organised specifically for the membership; however, visitors are very welcome for a small charge per meeting.  Carers in attendance will have free membership.

 RAFFLE:  A raffle is held at each meeting to supplement club funds.  We do not allow other organisations to sell raffle tickets at our meetings.

 PUBLICITY:  We will publicise open gardens, plants sales, other gardening clubs’ or gardening organisations’ activities.  No other organisations’ fund raising activities will be published except those in which the club is involved. 

REFRESHMENTS:    Tea or coffee with biscuits, paid for by the Club, is provided at the beginning of each meeting.  There is a rota for volunteers to staff the kitchen.

 RHS:   In addition to the insurance, mentioned above, the RHS membership allows the Club to receive a monthly copy of the ‘Garden’ magazine and special group entry rates for certain of their shows.  It also entitles us to apply for the Banksian Medal which is awarded at our August Show.

 PLANT STALL:   There is a stall run by the club which sells plants and other gardening items donated by members.  The proceeds from the stall go to Club funds.  Sometimes there are pots available for members willing to pot up cuttings, spare seedlings, divided plants, etc.

 OUTINGS:     The Club organises outings which are advertised in advance at meetings.  Visitors are most welcome on these trips.

 DISCOUNTS:   The Club organises each year a bulk seed order with one of the major seed companies / growers.  Details are announced at Club meetings.

 CHEQUES:    All cheques must be made payable to ‘Orleton and District Gardening Club’ or ODGC, with one exception, which is the seed order.  Details of the payee will be given when the seed orders are organised.

 DATA PROTECTION ACT:   We are not required to register for the Data Protection Act, but we advise members that the only details kept on computer are the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of members.  These can be inspected if so desired.

 INFORMATION:   Information is available for the benefit of all Club members through a monthly newsletter, the web site and the notice board.

The Committee, Programme Secretary and Events Secretary welcome suggestions for speakers, outings, meals, etc.

 WEB SITE:     www.orletongardeningclub.co.uk                     Email:              orletongc@hotmail.co.uk

 Last updated January 2025