Heavenly Beauty, Earthly Delight – Gardens of Paradise

For one meeting only there is a change of venue.
Orleton Village Hall is having the floor of the large hall resurfaced the week of our meeting so an alternative venue has been found.
Adrian James’ talk will take place at YARPOLE VILLAGE HALL – postcode: HR6 0BL. For more info click here
As usual refreshments will be available from 7.30pm and the presentation will start at 8.00pm.
There will be no sales of plants, gloves, etc

About Adrian:
Based in the village of Offenham near Evesham, Adrian is a regular speaker to groups & societies throughout Worcestershire and the surrounding counties. On a freelance basis he supplies plant & garden images to a specialist horticultural image agency for use in publishing & advertising. His garden talks, which where possible feature gardens that people may not know well, arise from a lifelong interest in garden style and garden history, together with a strong sense of connection to these spaces. With a passion for travel, often to places off the well beaten track and always with a camera in his hands, he also offers a number of travelogue style travel talks.

This talk describes the history, design and symbolism of Persian / Islamic / Moghul style gardens using examples from Iran (Persia), Morocco, India, Spain and the UK. The talk starts with explaining why these gardens are laid out as they are, then covers the logistics of arranging for the availability of water in a desert environment, and then charts how these gardens were spread throughout the world. It then shows some wonderful examples of Persian style gardens in various countries before finishing with some good examples in the UK.