Meeting: 30 October 2018
At our monthly meeting in October we were pleased to welcome Rachel Salisbury, a horticultural lecturer formerly of Birmingham University. Rachel put us through our paces with a quiz based around garden science, plant propagation, fruit and veg and garden history. From a tentative start the teams were soon in hot competition, with lots of whispering amongst the club members as they discussed the possible answers and vied for the top marks. Many were surprised at just how much they knew, as well as at the knowledge of their fellow team members. At the end of each round, Rachel gave the answers to the quiz, accompanied by a short talk on the gardening topic of the round. No prizes were given for the top score, but it proved to be a very social and enjoyable evening.
Our club night in December is our AGM and Christmas Supper on Tuesday 18th December.
Our first meeting of 2019 is on Tuesday 29th January at 7.30 in Orleton Village Hall.