Newsletter – April 2024
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New members – Bill and Lynne Adamson of Bircher
To Helen and Andy Nicol for providing the refreshments this month and those members who help set up and tidy up the Hall on the evening.
The Club welcomes Gareth Davies speaking on “A year with Fuchsias”
Your Membership Subscription was due in January. The cost for 2024 is £15 and as it includes your refreshments, we are sure you will agree it is still good value. Please see our Treasurer – Gail Scott – to renew.
Please remember that cheques must be made payable to ODGC or Orleton and District Gardening Club as these are the only form of payee that the Bank will accept.
AGM – 30th JULY:
Should you wish to make any amendments to the Club Rules or General Information, these must be handed to the secretary at the April meeting or posted to arrive at her home address – Arrow Heights, Leominster, HR6 8QE – 14 days before the May meeting so that they can be published before the May meeting. The current wording can be seen on our website.
A successful plant sale means the more we can spend on speakers so can we ask for more plants, flower and vegetable, cuttings and divided plants. It is also a good opportunity to advertise our skills and talents to the local community and entice others to join.
Stephen Hancocks has kindly “volunteered” to have a second-hand gardening book table again this year. Although we have a good stock, feel free to have a sort out and bring any good condition books along on the day.Dan, our tool sharpening service for garden tools, knives and scissors will be with us again this year.
On the day, we need volunteers to help set up and sell. Hopefully, weather permitting, we will be having the sale outside again but we will need help setting out the tables and putting the plants out in their price groups and selling during the afternoon.
We need volunteers from 10.45 am to help set up the trestle tables. Plants can start to arrive from 11.00 am.
We advertise that we sell from 2.00 pm but we know from experience that people are keen to buy as soon as they see us setting up so we need to ready by 1.00 pm (or earlier!)
Please see Monica on Club night if you are able to help at the sale. If you are not coming to the meeting this week, please email the Club email if you can come along and help on sale day.
Anyone needing help donating plants to the sale could they please contact a member of the committee so we can organise collection.
Also, Alison Coggon, Anne Sinclair and Jane Turvey have “volunteered” to organise the refreshments on the day – which will be available from 1.00 pm. Please let us know if you are able to help on the day and / or provide a cake.
The Schedule is available on our website.
Please read carefully, especially all the helpful notes and start practising the recipes.
THINGS TO DO, PLACES TO GO:Stockton Bury Gardens – Open evening – Thursday, 23rd May
A rare chance to see the garden in the evening.
You will enjoy a glass of Prosecco, a talk by Tamsin about the RHS Chelsea Flower Show judging process (she will have just been judging this year’s show gardens) and time to enjoy the garden.
Starts at 6.45pm.
Tickets £20 per person. Book online here
Sunday 19th May: ODGC Annual Plant Sale
Tuesday 28th May: Sue Mabberly tells us about ‘Wild Gardening at Nant-y-Bedd Garden’