Preserving the Harvest

We welcome back Kev who inspired us with a talk last July about his life on a his smallholding.

He dropped many hints at the amount of preserving that he does and he is returning to Orleton to give us more tips on making the most of all the fruit and veg we grow..

Kev grew up on his Dad’s 200 acre farm in rural Shropshire and has always loved being outside. He used to help around the farm  that was mixed arable and livestock, he kept around 250 sheep and his childhood is full of memories of farm life from managing stock to days spent on a tractor.

Since April 2014 he has become a stay at home dad.  He still works as a carpenter at the weekends and school holidays, but day to day is spent looking after the children on their family homestead.

(Above photograph taken from Kev’s website)