Newsletter – February 2024
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Welcome To:
New members Anthony Brooks from Kimbolton, Mary Locock from Leominster, Helen Edwards from Yarpole, Jenny Robson and Vanessa Stein from Orleton and Nicola and John Richardson from Luston.
Thanks to:
Di Belton-Elliott and Sue Langley for this month’s refreshments and those members who help set and tidy up the Hall on the evening.
Thank you to all those who have put their names on the rota for refreshments for the rest of the year but we do need at least two members per month and are one short for each of March and May. We also need two people for each of September and November.
This Month’s Speaker:
The club welcomes back Pip Smith, this time talking on the subject of “Delightful Dahlias”
Don’t Forget:
Your Membership Subscription was due in January. Although there has been a small increase to £15, we are sure you will agree it is still good value as it includes your refreshments!! Please see our Treasurer – Gail Scott – to renew.
Please remember that cheques must be made payable to ODGC or Orleton and District Gardening Club as these are the only forms of payee that the Bank will accept.
Club dinner – 12th March – The Oak Wigmore:
Once again, we are returning to The Oak at Wigmore. The menu and application form are attached here and already on our website.
Please let Monica have your menu choice either on club night or by 4th March by post.
Village Hall Heating:
As you may have realised, the heating in the hall is a little unreliable and both the boiler and the oil tank needs replacing at great expense. The Chairman of the Village Hall Trustees has been applying for grants and so far, has been successful in obtain one for 20% of the cost.
However, our application to the National Lottery was turned down on the grounds that we did not provide “sufficient evidence of community support” for our application. As details of all those organisations from within our community who make use of the hall were listed, this should have been self-evident.
So that our re-application cannot be rejected on these grounds, each Group that uses the Hall has been asked to complete a petition signed by all the members of the club. Due to GDPR we cannot just submit our membership list so we will be circulating the petition at the meeting and ask that you sign up to help our application. You only need to put your name, your signature and your post code.
Plant Sale and plant pots:
Our annual plant sale is on the 19th May and we should be starting to think of what we can grow and donate for it.
However, we are always in need of donations plant pots, especially 5”, 1 and 2 litre pots. If you bought a hellebore last month, it would be appreciated if you could return those pots as I used 25 from my supplies!!
Wigmore Gardening Club:
Gardeners World presenter Sue Kent is coming to speak at Wigmore Gardening Club on Thursday, 21st March at 7.00 pm. Tickets are £16 and are available from Loraine Atkin on 01568 770791 or email More details on the poster on our notice board.
Orleton Village Race Night:
Following the success of the race night last year, it is being repeat on Saturday, 16th March and tickets are available from the village shop.
ODGC is once again sponsoring a race and are looking for up to 8 members to “purchase” a horse at the cost of £5.
If you wish to “buy” a horse, please see Monica.
Next meeting:
Our speaker on 26th March is Liz Knight on “The art of foraging”