Programme 2017

January 31st Chris Whitelock
Understanding soils,
growing media and fertilisers

February 28th Geoff Morris
Cider making from eaters,
cookers and concentrate
March 21st Club Dinner
The Boot Inn, Orleton
7.00 for 7.30 pm
March 28th Robin Pearce
Ferns and Ornamental Grasses
April 25th Kim Hurst
May 21st Plant Sale
Village Hall
2 pm – 4 pm
May 30th Visit
Bouts Violas
June 27th Open Gardens
July 25th Visit
Marian Stainton
The Brooks, Pontrilas
August 19th 37th
Annual Show
September 26th Leila Jackson
The versatile world of Salvias
October 22nd Club Lunch
Titley Village Hall –
12:45 for 1:15 pm
October 31st Marion Stainton
Raised bed vegetable growing
November 28th Tamsin Westhorpe
Winter at Stockton Bury

December 19th AGM and Club Christmas Supper
AGM 7:30 pm PROMPT
Supper 8:10 (approx)