On 20th August Orleton and District Gardening Club held its 41st Annual Show at Orleton Village Hall. Classes were available to members for vegetables, flowers, floral art, cookery, honey and homemade drinks. Staging of exhibits took place between 9.30 and 11am after which the hall was closed for judging.
The Club was delighted to welcome back its judges: David Griffiths- vegetables, Maurice Bracher – flowers including pot plants and outdoor containers, Geoff Morris – honey and homemade drinks, Barbara Morgan – cookery and Nan Thomas – floral art. As always the judges were meticulous, each bloom was carefully scrutinised and no tomato left unturned. The Club was sad to bid farewell to Maurice Bracher who is retiring from judging and has judged our flower exhibits for many years. At the conclusion of judging the Chairman, Nick Russell, made a presentation to mark the occasion and express the Club’s gratitude. We were pleased to welcome his successor, James Pearson, Head Gardener at Burford House Garden, who has kindly agreed to judge flower exhibits next year.
Members rose to the occasion and were equally painstaking. Despite the heat and drought of the summer a wealth of vegetables and flowers was displayed, onions lovingly polished, beans arranged with mathematical precision and a variety of flowers attractively staged. The imagination and creativity of the Floral Art exhibits was inspiring and cakes and quiches tempting. There were 294 entries in total, one of the largest tallies in recent years.
At 2pm doors opened to visitors for viewing. A raffle and a plant and produce stall were provided and refreshments were served. The club is indebted to members Alison and Anne who provided delicious cakes.
At 3pm the raffle was drawn followed by the presentation of prizes. Eleven Challenge Trophies were presented, including the RHS Banksian Medal and seven Certificates for best exhibit.
ODGC would like to thank The Maidenhead at Orleton and Hintons Country and Garden for their generous sponsorship of the raffle and show prizes. The club would also like to express its appreciation to judges, exhibitors, volunteers and all who attended to make its 41st Annual Show a particularly happy and convivial event.
Ghislaine Arundale